‘Matriarchs’ by author
These are my images in the exhibition FAT showing at gallery Vunilagi Vou, a Pasifika-run gallery space in Otāhuhu, South Auckland. The gallery is unpacking the word, the stigma, celebrating the fat body experience and calling out fatphobia in all its nasty, fake science, white supremacy, patriarchal forms. This even includes a pool party.
The exhibition is curated by Ema Tavola and features Louisa Afoa, Riki Tipu Anderson, Lissy Cole, Infamy Apparel, Meagan Kerr, Elyssia Wilson-Heti and myself (works from my series are for sale, it’s called The Big Boned Chronicles lol). Exhibition Dates: 5 – 29 February 2020.
(Also just as an aside I read an amazing essay while doing some mad reading on the kaupapa recently: The 6 Laws of Fatphobia by Jervae. I find their work really healing, generous and educational).
Full schedule of the #FATFEB program
‘These Filters are so Much Fun’
‘Wish I Had Your Confidence’
‘Good Morning to Headless Informercial Before Fat Bodies Only’ 2020
Images copyright & protected (c) 2020 please get in touch if you’d like to use them for something. I am pretty mellow and will likely say yeah sure.